Tell Your Story Video Offer

Simply click the button below to reserve a spot and our team will produce a free website video for your company featuring a professional spokesperson.

Here's How It Works

Our video team will produce a professional, studio-quality video for your company using green screen technology. We will be filming a 3-5 minute video that covers topics about your business that every new prospect would want to know.

Our copywriting team will develop the script for the video and it will be approved by you. Then our professional spokesperson will read the script at our Florida studio in front of a green screen, which will give us the ability to insert a custom image as a backdrop. (See video example below)

Our editing and post-production team will then take the raw footage and convert it into a professionally produced video by adding a custom animated intro and outro with music using your company logo. We will also add motion graphics, text animation, custom images, and B-Roll video.

You’ll receive your video digitally that can be used on your website, social media, and in other marketing materials.

There are limited spots available for this opportunity and our monthly schedule fills up fast.

The basis of content on the Internet is now shifting from text to video. This allows advertisers to take advantage of the kind of branding advertising they are used to on television.

Michael Wolf, CEO and Cofounder, Activate Consulting

See example spokesperson videos below

What's The Catch?

Are there any hidden fees? Actually, there is no catch, there are no hidden fees and you will definitely not be pressured into buying anything.

Unlike most agencies who show up with an empty cup, we want to begin our relationship by offering your business something of genuine value with no strings attached. 

This is a genuine offer and will provide you valuable first-hand experience working with our small team which will build goodwill, trust and perhaps a desire to work with us now or at some point in the future.  If you enjoy the current experience there’s a high likelihood you will want to use our agency for a variety of other marketing services you will need to drive growth in your business.

Plus, the bonus for your company is that you will have a risk-free opportunity to begin leveraging the power of video!

Here's The 3-step Process To Get Your Free Video

Register TYS

Step 1 Icon

Get Registered

The first step is to GET REGISTERED by scheduling an online discovery meeting.

Prior to filming, we begin with an online discovery meeting that usually takes 30-45 minutes. During this meeting, we will discuss specific details about your business and determine topics to include in your video.

We'll also use this time to determine, based on the topic(s) we discuss in the video, the type of assets we’ll need such as your company logo, images of staff, showroom, facility, products, etc. to use in the production of your video.

The best part is we'll do it all FREE of charge.

Step 2 Iconpng

Plan Of Usage For Video

The next step and usually within a few days after the discovery meeting, our team will put together a customized  Plan of Usage for your new video.  During this meeting, your plan will provide strategies on how to best leverage your FREE video. We’ll also provide you quick online demo of our flagship product called a CyberFunnel.

CyberFunnels are an end-to-end marketing and sales system that use videos to tell your company story in a more consistent and compelling way so you can move prospects through the buying process faster and more effectively.

(However, there is no obligation to use your video in this manner. The FREE video is yours to use however you choose.)

Schedule TYS
Video TYS

Step 3 Icon

Free Video Delivery

After the plan of usage meeting and typically within a couple of weeks we will schedule a meeting to deliver your FREE video. We guarantee you’ll be impressed at how great your video turns out.

As a courtesy, during the video reveal meeting, we will also provide you additional options and budget for various services our agency provides such as using a CyberFunnel marketing and sales system.

We hope at this point we have earned your trust and you feel comfortable with our team and recognize us as a valuable resource to help drive growth and get to the next-level.

Quick Summary of What You'll Receive

  • Free 3-5 Minute Professionally Produced Video Valued at $3k-$5k

  • Professional Film Crew, Studio, Sound, Lighting, and Spokesperson

  • Studio Quality "Green Screen" Experience

  • Script Writing Assistance if Needed

  • Post Production with Personalized Pictures, Custom Graphic Design, and Full Motion Elements